News searched by: drinking water
Effects Skilful Parenting scientifically proved
Skillful Parenting is a program developed by ICS that supports parents in Kenya and Tanzania in raising children. Two researchers at the University of Utrecht studied the effects of our training methods among participants. The conclusions are positive.
Chicken training increases a farmer's profit
Over the past year, Agrics offers smallholder farmers the possibility to buy chickens on credit. Training in chicken care is part of every purchase, so that farmers can have maximum gain on their investment. “Your chickens will only bring you success if you put in the time and take care of them,&q
Ambassador Tom Sebastian travels in Kenya
Tom Sebastian: “From 22 to 28 August, as ambassador for Vijana Reloaded, I visited several trainees and spoke extensively with them and their families. For three days I immersed myself in the training program here. Read along in my diary."