News searched by: Agrics
An image says more than a 1,000 words
That's why we made this video on Agrics, our social business that provide smallholders with farm inputs on credit. Travel along to western Kenya with John Otini and Raymond Chepkwony, who show you how it works and what it means to poor farmers.
Chicken training increases a farmer's profit
Over the past year, Agrics offers smallholder farmers the possibility to buy chickens on credit. Training in chicken care is part of every purchase, so that farmers can have maximum gain on their investment. “Your chickens will only bring you success if you put in the time and take care of them,&q
Seeing is believing
Agrics Tanzania, one of ICS' social businesses, has started with the set up of a new demonstration plot this week. To show smallholder farmers the differences in output whenever they use cerfified seeds and fertilizer.