Financial support for water points Tanzania

ICS is proud to announce that The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) approved our proposal for the construction of 25 extra water tapping points, in two villages in Tanzania.

The Tanzanian government is busy with the construction of a long pipeline that will transport water from Lake Victoria inland. The pipeline also passes the two villages of Maganzo and Masagala in the northern part of Tanzania. However, there are no tapping points planned here, so the residents of these villages can't benefit from this project.

That's why ICS will start by fall 2015 with the construction of new pipelines attached to the main pipeline. This way we create 25 extra water taps for the 23.000 inhabitants of Maganzo and Masagala to provide them with clean drinking water. Every tap will be attached to a prepaid meter. With a chip card, that residents can charge at local shops in advance, they re able to pay directly for the amount of water they need. The income can be used for maintenance of the system and quality control. Only this way we can ensure that these taps will sustainably deliver clean and safe drinking water.

The construction needs to be finished by summer 2016. We keep you up to date on the progress!